Monday, July 14, 2008

Sharing Pieces of Me

So as I was updating the social networking sites I belong to Facebook, MySpace and more recently this book club site (which, by the way, I'm guessing I'll never go back to because I don't remember the name of the site!) I started to think about the implications of the book titles.

What does someone think of me if I read Harry Potter or Wicked or Catcher in the Rye or... The Art of Kama Sutra? Right, so you see my point. If you share something about yourself as simple as the type of books you read what are you really divulging? Political beliefs, character traits?I'm guessing there are many who have "flipped through" the Kama Sutra book at some point or another in our lives, but would you post that on a blog? What if your employer is reading? I do own the book (it was given to me at my wedding), but that's certainly not something I would admit to on a book site or on my myspace/facebook pages. Or at least not without this context.

So when I started out on this whole social networking thing a few years ago that was something that certainly was a factor. Who reads this? How much do I share about me? In general I tend to be an introvert, so blogging is not a comfortable thing for me. Even though it's not face to face, it is sharing information. It does involve my thoughts - just not all of them. Tip of the iceberg stuff - the rest is reserved for people who really know me and who I care to share that with. Afterall, I wouldn't state my political preferences in an interview, so why would I share that for "all" to see?

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