Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Everyday Usability - Stove Design

The stove in my rental home is a flat top range/stovetop whatever you want to call it. When cleaning up after dinner tonight, it occurred to me that the designer of this appliance should be cursed with having to have this in his/her home.

These things are difficult to clean anyway. If you let your water boil over, you'd better wipe it up right then - or else be prepared to get the little bottle of flat top stove cleaner stuff and scrub. Anyway, the design of this appliance is particularly dumb in that there is trim around the edge which means that all of the crumbs you try to wipe up, get caught in whichever corner you end up in at the end of your swipe. Brilliant.

Oooh, people will think this is cool 'cause it's flat. Nice try Designer of Stovetop dude - next time do some prototype testing!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sharing Pieces of Me

So as I was updating the social networking sites I belong to Facebook, MySpace and more recently this book club site (which, by the way, I'm guessing I'll never go back to because I don't remember the name of the site!) I started to think about the implications of the book titles.

What does someone think of me if I read Harry Potter or Wicked or Catcher in the Rye or... The Art of Kama Sutra? Right, so you see my point. If you share something about yourself as simple as the type of books you read what are you really divulging? Political beliefs, character traits?I'm guessing there are many who have "flipped through" the Kama Sutra book at some point or another in our lives, but would you post that on a blog? What if your employer is reading? I do own the book (it was given to me at my wedding), but that's certainly not something I would admit to on a book site or on my myspace/facebook pages. Or at least not without this context.

So when I started out on this whole social networking thing a few years ago that was something that certainly was a factor. Who reads this? How much do I share about me? In general I tend to be an introvert, so blogging is not a comfortable thing for me. Even though it's not face to face, it is sharing information. It does involve my thoughts - just not all of them. Tip of the iceberg stuff - the rest is reserved for people who really know me and who I care to share that with. Afterall, I wouldn't state my political preferences in an interview, so why would I share that for "all" to see?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm soooo Web 1.85

I'm not quite 2.0, but starting my own blog is a start right? I recently heard a talk on social networking and media and realized that in order to claim experience with all of this stuff, I'd better get at it. So now I twitter, I myspace, I facebook, I LinkedIn (hmm, that doesn't make sense as a verb does it, now!), and finally... I blogger. Which I realize sounds a lot like booger! Ha!

So who is the person who blogs? One who no longer cares to interact personally? One who must blog because it's part of their understanding of the web? One who is trying to capture the attention of others and market themselves? One who has so many friends they can't possibly send an email or visit with all of them? One who uses the blog as a public diary?

I think I probably fit into several of those categories, so as you read you will see (or hopefully) that I plan to cover a variety of topic. Some for self promotion, some for introspection, some to keep up with friends and family, some to vent my feelings of... frustration, sadness, excitement, or (insert emotion here).

For now, I'm the "trying to explore another element of 2.0" blogger. And for the record, is that 2 point 0 or 2 dot 0? I think 2 dot 0 seems a bit more elitist - so I'll go with that!

Happy reading and thanks for showing an interest in... common sensibility!